Thursday, June 26, 2008

Meter Maids are hypocritical...

I saw a meter maid double parked in the middle of the street halfway parked in the red.  He was out of his vehicle giving a parked car a ticket because they were a tiny bit parked outside of the white lines designated for cars to be parked.  I pulled over and started snapping pictures of him and his meter maid car on my phone.  He became frazzled and asked me what I was taking pictures of...I told him that he was double parked and in the red and that was against the law.  Even meter maids and law enforcement have to follow the rules.  He told me to mind my own business and I called him a hypoctite and asked him if he knew the meaning of the word hypocrite.


Anonymous said...

Now, see, that's the problem with law enforcement these days-- they think that just because they enforce the rules, that they get a ticket out of it. That's honestly not right. Personally, I think there should be stricter policies on that; people have a problem with authority because authority has a problem with everyone and everything else.

My words to this: Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.

Anonymous said...

Let those who enforce rules and policies follow their own preachings. It is the height of hypocrisy to not; and truth be told I see absolutely no excuse for such blatant disregard of policy by those entrusted to uphold it. Police officers running red lights and parking in fire zones. Public officials using their rank to get personal advantage. Is THIS all that we fought for to attain? Just one more thing for those with power to lord it over the rest of us?

You got it; hell no. It's not. I hope you got that guy's license or some way to report him, sincerely I do. If not, all this will be is a continuation of a cycle rotten to the core.

Tch. Naturally...

Ah, why do I even bother? Of course, we the people are meant to put our heads down, do as we are told, stay within the boundaries and most important of all, not question authority. It's in charge of us, so therefore infallible, correct?

And this is just further proof of what's deeply inherently wrong with society...